1. SEG,東大、医学部に強い”英語多読”初めての保護者会、代表挨拶& Native part
(株) Z会数学科顧問
まず最初に多読の説明させていただいて、続いてネイティブの先生の方からNative part の説明をさせていただきます。
高二まではNative partもあるコースもあってall Englishで授業するんですけれども、日本人は話せないって言われるのですけれども、それはやっぱり、聴いたり話したりする訓練をしていない機会が少ないということなので、こちらではその機会を提供させていただいております。
Native partは、基本パターン(文法)と基本語語彙を重視して、基本パターンに何度も触れることにより訳さずにそのパターンの分を理解できることを目指す。そのことによって会話の流暢さを伸ばします。
OK,So let me share the screen.
OK all right everyone at thanks for coming!I’m going to explain a little bit about the native part in English.
I’ll try to speak kind of a little bit slowly.
but,It will be in English.
So the first point is in Chu1 We do a few main things in most lessons.
The first one is what we call making characters making stories.
This is a methodology called TPRS(Making characters) teaching professional storytelling.
We use the original readings and these readings normally comes from the characters and stories that we create in class with students and we do grammar practice.
grammar is actually part of everything we do because when we are making stories or doing other activities.
It is fun and students don’t feel like they’re studying grammar but they are but we also have grammar papers ,more traditional grammar study and then finally movie talk which is a very fun activity which I’ll introduce a little bit later.
OK,So we have our basic patterns or core concepts.
We have there is a man there are three cats someone is at spawn or in a place someone is a dentist someone is nice and then wants likes goes to and has and we can level this up right someone likes ham sandwiches someone is crazy about ham sandwiches but these verbs these patterns these constructions in many different forms these are important for beginners right someone is at a park.
They have never been there for they have been there for three hours.
It's their first time that sort of thing.
I hear we have a very cute pirate cat.
We might use this picture to make a story here.
We have a character created by students.
So we do this as well we design original characters.
So it’s a mix of funny pictures or original characters.
We have our motorcycle pandas.
We have this man screaming at a snake and so we would discuss with the students you know who is this man who is this snake what is he saying to the snake.
I love you. I want to eat you.
It depends on the students ideas.
So we try to use funny pictures to just get the students interest.
For example.
We have two pandas.
So we might discuss what is their relationship are they father son mother and daughter,friends,coworkers,teacher,student.
Where are they going now?
Do they go there every day?
How long have they been riding their motorcycle today?
These sorts of things.
So students don’t feel like they are studying grammar.
But they are hearing these basic patterns again and again.
トムトム(A & B)スライドが表示されている
Tom-tom is one year old.
He is a cabin attendant.
He lives in 塾名.
Tom-tom is hungry.
He wants to eat 10 ANA airplanes.
He goes to Haneda.
He goes by elephant.
It takes one minute...
So you can see one year-old is an idea that came from students.
So here is an example story.
I’ll just read the story kind of quickly.
We have a character called Tom Tom.
This would have been a students idea.
Chu1 stories are often like this.
Students gives silly ideas.
But these ideas make each classes story unique and easier to remember and so students aren’t necessarily remembering the grammar pattern there remembering the story right there remembering that so-and-so went by elephant or that so in so.
That it took one minute for them to ride elephant to Haneda.
We will little bit more difficult story .
This is like Chu1 C story.
Minus&Plus as characters.
So one day when minus and plus.
We're reading toast magazines.
So magazines about toast as a student idea.
They decided to go to Hawaii.
Decided to go to a place to do.
They decided to go to Hawaii to play beach volleyball.
They built a submarine that was made out of bread.
So I can that’s kind of an advanced pattern.
But it’s easy to understanding in a story and as I said we also do grammar more traditional grammar study where we have a grab a paper with an exploration and easy to understand in a story and as I said we also do grammar more traditional grammar study where we have a grammar paper with an explanation and grammar activities.
Grammar study
Matthew is a ninja.
He has been a ninja for 2 years.
Today, He is at home.
Yesterday, He was at the park.
We also more traditional grammar study where we have a grammar paper with an explanation and grammar activities.
This is this someone is something.
They have been something.
For a period of time.
As well as someone is at home yesterday.
They were in a place.
He was at the park.
This is often difficult for learners.
So we tried to use this in stories a lot.
So they have been there for this amount of time.
So-and-so is doing something now they have been doing it for 10 minutes 20 minutes and so on.
Practice activities
Mr. onion was sad yesterday.
Mr. onion has been sad for 4 days.
Mr. Onion is happy today.
And you know with our papers we tried to make them.
Silly and funny if we can.
Do you have Mr. onion and Mr. potato Mr. onion you can see four days ago he was happy.
Recently he’s been sad.
Mr. potato was sad for several days.
But,yesterday and today he’s been happy .
Mr. onion was sad today true or forse .
We can discuss this with the students right!
Now as well with Cyu1 C and everybady eventually.
We have more advanced points as students go on Cyu1 and Kou1.
We get into some very advanced grammar topics things that students.
Part2: Choose the past or future
1.The boy should eat dinner before he goes to Juku.
The boy should have eaten breakfast.
The boy should clean his home because it’s dirty.
The boys should have cleaned his room.
Part5: Write the best answer.
should eat. Should have eaten. Should clean. Should have cleaned. should go.
Should have gone. Should help. Should have helped. Should put on. Should have put on.
1. My mom just ordered pizza.
2. My mother was so angry with me today.
She went into my room this afternoon. It was so messy.I it.
That old lady is having trouble. She can’t carry her suitcase up the stairs.I Her!
The boys should eat dinner before he goes to Juku the boy should have eaten breakfast so past moods talking about the difference in meaning between in the two.
Probably everybody knows this sheep.
Shaun the sheep is good.
Because there is no speaking so it’s good to use for movie talking with beginners.
This is a popular YouTube character called Simon’s cat .
This is Simon.
This is his cat.
His cat doesn’t want to go to bed.
We have a feeling we use we have a bear and moose they are having a conflict and here we have a two wildebeest debating what this thing in the water might be moving.
Movie talk is very good because we can describe what is happening on the screen and students can’t see it happening as we talk so it’s easy to understand.
So we have two wildebeest.
wildebeest on the left and the wildebeest on the right.
They are both looking at this thing in the water.
With the beast on the last thinks that it might be a crocodile.
He doesn’t think it’s a crocodile.
He thinks it’s probably a lot a piece of wood from a tree.
The wheel the beast on the left decides to test this idea.
He box the thing with a stick and of course we can discuss with students do you think this is a good idea or bad idea would you poke the mysterious thing with a stick yes or no .
He tests again he decides to stand on the mysterious thing in the water .
What is it.
Thinks it’s a crocodile he wants to it’s a crocodile is this a good idea a bad idea oh it was a crocodile he was right now on the right agrees that it’s a crocodile and so forth so we can use movie talk in this way to generate a lot of student interest a lot of discussion .
So I asked so that is it for me.
If you have any questions about the native part .
I’ll be here at the end of the presentation feel free to ask if I can’t understand your question .
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